February Recap

February is, in the timeless words of BLACKPINK, “Bada-bing, bada-boom-boom-boom.”

I’m sure they coined the phrase. 

For the shortest month of the year, February did not disappoint the world-at-large. On one end, we watched helplessly as extreme cold swept across the midwest, devastating many communities in Texas. On the other, we were able to take a couple of days to celebrate love in its many forms. 

Here at Three Houses Press, things were a little less chaotic, but nonetheless memorable. 

This month, we dropped our first full episode of Three Houses, One Podcast. Though we have a long way to go, full of learning more about the intricacies of sound engineering and learning to curb our enthusiasm (and volume) while obliterating opponents in a debate, taking this new step has been really exciting for us. Subscribe to the podcast on your ~favorite~ listening platform so you don’t miss us next month when we chat about self-promotion. 

Here on the blog, we covered a wide range of topics. Rigney kicked off the month to talk about the portrayal of addiction in romance and the harm of savior narratives. Next, Brit took over the month to close out our publishing house tour by talking about book publicity before letting us know  what tropes the romance industry really needs to retire.

Speaking of tropes… our February newsletter hit the inboxes of our Patreon followers with a bit more on the topic of tropes and their importance to genre fiction. If your inbox was not graced with our presence, consider coming and hanging out with us on Patreon. Not only would you get to listen to Three Houses, One Podcast earlier than everybody else, you’ll unlock current and past monthly newsletters and novel chapters. 

See you in March for a whole lot of fun with villains, imprints, and a swanky new series!

Since I started this recap article with a quote from BLACKPINK, I’ll close with a quote from BLACKPINK…

“You gon’ like that, that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that.”